GMI: Subcontracting partner of manufacturers in the agricultural sector for the design and manufacture of assemblies or sub-assemblies

From viticulture to aquaculture, via rearing livestock, horticulture, dairy or cereal production, key players in the Agricultural world need simple or technical equipment that meets a range of requirements: functionality, robustness, cost, time, quality and logistics.

GMI studies your complete project and advises you on the technology that best meets your needs in terms of quality, cost, capacity and competitiveness.
The combination of technologies allows us to offer comprehensive, economical and innovative solutions.

Les compétences du Groupe Maillard Industrie s’étendent de la conception à l’industrialisation et la fabrication jusqu’à la livraison de pièces, ensembles ou sous-ensembles complets.

Les capacités de GMI s’appuient sur :

– The know-how of its teams with extensive technical knowledge and recognised experience in the field of agriculture
– Specific and diversified means of production in machine welding and plastics processing, adapted to each product to ensure precise and repetitive manufacturing.

-Logistics control through a large storage capacity and management of customer stocks. Our logistics unit allows us to manage the supply of parts and accessories supplied by our customers or sourced by us.

Our skills at a

Research and development

Prototyping / Modelling

Very large size

for vehicles and agricultural machinery

Machined welded
structure Surface treatment

Component assembly

Cost optimisation


Equipements agricoles

A few examples of our work

Experience in thermoforming, rotomoulding and machine welding enables us to produce:

Storage tanks, Harvest hoods, Bins, specific boxes, Wheelbarrows, Drinking troughs, Troughs, Milk tanks, Grain silos, Machine housings, Machine covers, Mudguards, Tractor wings, Fodder savers, Equestrian equipment, Fish farming equipment, Calf kennels, Feed dispensers, Spreading tanks, Agricultural machinery bodywork, Livestock tanks, Wine growing equipment, Hoppers, Chassis, Bumpers, Tractor cab roofs, Protective housings, Fenders and mudguards, Dashboards, Tanks, Storage tanks, Protective sleeves, Spraying columns, Pallets, Barriers…

Livestock rearing equipment

barrière élevage agriculture rotomoulée
barrière élevage
élement pour aquaculture - aérateur eau
capot pour appareil agricole

Agricultural machine equipment

pièce plastique pour machine agricole
Cuve stockage tracteur
bac agriculture rotomoulé

Agricultural equipment

capot tracteur
capot engin agricole
capot faucheuse
structure mécano-soudée
carenage tracteur rotomoulé
échelle remorque agricole
pièce machine agricole

GMI: complete or partial management of your projects

Eco-design by a multidisciplinary design office

With extensive experience in Agricultural markets and their regulatory requirements, GMI’s multidisciplinary design office develops reliable solutions at the best price in compliance with your technical, budgetary and environmental specifications.

étude et conception de pièce pour le secteur agricole

Industrialisation, production and delivery of finished products

The experience of the GROUPE MAILLARD INDUSTRIE, combined with its very large production and finishing capacity in plastics processing and metallurgy make it a partner of choice for industrialising and manufacturing specific equipment.

GMI’s assembly, finishing and quality control facilities are dedicated to providing complete solutions.

Rotomoulage très grande dimension

Find out more about our industrial expertise