GMI: Design and manufacture of plastic and metal parts and sub-assemblies for the medical and hospital sector

GMI makes its expertise in plastics and metallurgy available to various Healthcare-related sectors and offers its customers innovative, tailor-made solutions:

  • Material and equipment for hospitals, accident and emergency departments, retirement homes and care at home
  • Medical devices, treatment equipment
  • Medical trays and packaging, technical cladding
  • Mobile furniture

With more than 40 years of experience in project management, GMI provides a personalised service, from the design to the manufacturing of tools and series parts.

With a multidisciplinary team, a large manufacturing capacity and knowledge of the mechanical and chemical properties of raw materials, GMI advises, develops and manufactures complex parts and sub-assemblies that meet the multiple requirements of the sector: functionality, resistance, quality, traceability…


Our skills at a


Medical and hospital
rotomoulding and thermoforming

Consultancy services for choice
of technology and materials

A few examples of our work

Rotomoulded bed base

coque de siege medical

Wheel casing for medical bed

sommier medical rotomoule

Bottle crate for transportation of medical


Gases Sample trays


First aid box

caisse de prélèvement

Plant container on feet

Valise de secours pour pompier sur mesure

Rotomoulded rehabilitation supports

jardinière sur pied
jardiniere sur pied fauteuil roulant



medical fitting

emboiture medicale thermoformee

Aquatic step

step aquatique

Protective machine cover


Medical trays

plateau de manutention
Navette repas CHU

Find out more about our industrial expertise